Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency
Eni group companies, starting from 16th December 2019, publish on this website, in the shortest time possible after the knowledge of the event, Inside Information on natural gas and electricity that is relevant in accordance with the prescriptions of article 4 of Regulation (EU) no. 1227/2011 (REMIT). Without prejudice to particular situations, information related to planned maintenance and unplanned events are published on this web page as they could have a potential material impact on prices of wholesale energy products evaluated on the basis of appropriately tested thresholds.
The sections below contain information about the availability of production and consumption infrastructures operated directly by the Eni Group companies; same information, where possible, are also published on the GME "Piattaforma Informazioni Privilegiate" web site. With regards to the infrastructures not operated by Eni and the other gas transport systems of interest for the Italian market, please refer to the “useful links” section of this page.